Jennifer Carr No Comments

2021 was a busy year for the ITAM Forum! As a global, ITAM membership organization, we worked hard to launch new and valuable opportunities for members. And, we’re on track with creating with the world’s first ISO 19770 certification scheme for organizations!

During 2021, the ITAM Forum:

  • launched a U.S.A. chapter (more chapters coming!)
  • started four Special Interest Groups
  • unveiled a Discussion Board only for Forum members

We also gained six new Trustees (from three countries and three continents) and welcomed five new patrons (again, from three countries and three continents).

We have exciting plans for 2022 and look forward to introducing them.

Certification Scheme Update

In June 2021, we officially engaged with NEN, the Dutch Standardization Institute, which serves as the secretariat of the certification scheme and assists with its development. NEN has significant experience with developing standards and certification schemes.

Once the scheme launches, NEN will manage the certificate register (certified organisations). It will also engage with the scheme’s assessment bodies (auditors).

Also during June 2021, nearly 100 ITAM professionals from around the world joined the Committee of Experts, volunteering their time to help formulate the certification scheme and define how conformity will be measured.

Who are these individuals?

  • They’re based in 20 countries.
  • They work in 31+ industry sectors.
  • 38% have worked in ITAM for 6-10 years, and 8% have worked in ITAM for more than 21 years.
  • 36% work for organisations with more than 25,000 employees, and 26% work for organisations with less than 500 employees.

Nearly half of the Committee’s members joined the Committee’s Writing Group, which looks at a wide variety of requirements, including general, structural, resource, information and process. This work is underway and will create a scheme draft, which the entire Committee of Experts will review.

The scheme will then enter a validation phase, with volunteer organizations going through the certification assessment.

We’ll continue to provide updates about the ISO 19770 certification scheme and about new and valuable ITAM Forum programs and opportunities.

It certainly is an exciting time for ITAM.

– Melody Ayeli, Chair, ITAM Forum Board of Trustees

NOTE: All trustees of the ITAM Forum have joined in their personal capacity. Unless stated otherwise, any comments made by the trustees on behalf of the ITAM Forum do not represent the views of their employers, nor does their membership as individuals imply endorsement of the ITAM Forum by their respective employers.